Professional Tester – News – Open2Test now open2more

Follow us: Open2Test now open2more 10 February 2011 19:59By PT staff Open2Test, Keane’s Open Source keyword-driven test automation framework, has been updated to support more tools and platforms. It’s now available for use with QTP for testing web, Windows, Java, .NET, Oracle Apps and SAP applications and with Test Partner, SilkTest and OpenScript for testing...

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Professional Tester – News – TestRail now FREE for Open Source projects

TestRail now FREE for Open Source projects 23 July 2010 10:27By PT staff Gurock Software has announced that it will grant free licences for TestRail, its popular web-based test case management tool, for use by anyone developing Open Source products. Although TestRail itself is a proprietary product, Gurock uses OS software extensively. Applying is very...

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Professional Tester – News – Seapine re-writes QA Wizard

Seapine re-writes QA Wizard6 March 2007 18:01By PT StaffSeapine Software, provider of quality-centric application lifecycle management solutions, has scheduled a new release of its QA Wizard automated software testing tool for next month. It will be a complete new version. The new product will be called QA Wizard Pro 2007. It will be shipped to...

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