Professional Tester – Search

Follow us:   Search Search our database here for test companies and service providers in the software testing space. In listboxes you can select multiple values by clicking on the value while holding down the Ctrl-key. If you want to add your own company to the database click here Search for a software test company...

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Professional Tester – News Headlines

Follow us:   Headlines Aligning people, process and tools 5 April 2016 11:31 by Vanessa Howard Test Automation Day is June 23rd XING AG ask what’s next? 17 March 2016 20:11 by Vanessa Howard Eight years of agile The year ahead 18 January 2016 15:53 by Vanessa Howard A new look PT TestEXPO – testing...

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Professional Tester – Professional Tester Radar

Follow us:   Professional Tester Radar Welcome to the database on companies in the software testing business and their key decision makers. If you are interested in finding crucial information on the hottest companies in the test space, then hook yourself up to Radar. Software testers and other professionals may find background information on potential...

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Professional Tester – Press Releases

Follow us:   Press Release Centre Search Press Looking for press releases of a particular company? Enter company name (or keyword) here. Additionally you can select a year to limit your search results. Posting your press release Post your press release here and spread the word! It will only cost you the time it takes...

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