Professional Tester – Magazine

Professional Tester Archive – Issue 17 The following articles from Issues 17 of Professional Tester magazine are available for download. Issue 17 (January 2004) Skillware – a buyer’s guide (105kB) Bogdan Bereza-Jarociński has a healthily cynical view of testing training Getting our own house in order (109kB) Daryl Elfield says testing needs to look at...

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Professional Tester – Magazine

Follow us:   Professional Tester Archive Issue 2 (v2.0) The following articles from Issue 2 on Testing New Technologies are available for download. Issue 2 (March 2010) TESTING NEW TECHNOLOGIES Test automation ready for innovation (1436kB) Allen Fisher presents a future-proof automated test execution approach Hot fuzz (119kB) Testing security of 4G mobile applications, with...

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STARWEST 2017 Software Testing Conference in Anaheim

STARWEST 2017—Software Testing Conference in Anaheim STARWEST is one of the longest-running and most respected conferences on software testing and quality assurance. The event week features over 100 learning and networking opportunities and covers a wide variety of some of the most in-demand topics. This includes test techniques, DevOps, process & metrics, leadership, project management,...

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STARCANADA 2017 Software Testing Conference in Toronto

STARCANADA 2017—Software Testing Conference in Toronto STARCANADA is part of the STAR family of conferences—one of the longest-running and most respected conferences series on software testing and quality assurance. The event week features over 50 learning and networking opportunities and covers a wide variety of some of the most in-demand topics—including agile testing, mobile testing,...

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