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Editorial calendar and themes

In 2017 Professional Tester will continue its mission to provide practical help and inspiration to software testers everywhere.

That requires coverage of complex and challenging testing themes. In order to achieve that more effectively, we issue a uniquely flexible editorial calendar. This means that:

  • although we continuously work with selected topics, themes are specified during the course of the year
  • each theme can be covered more effectively, because contributors can be given more time if needed
  • issue sponsors and advertisers will have more opportunity to appear in an issue especially relevant to them at the most appropriate time

As always, PT invites all its readers to:

  • influence future issues by suggesting themes and topics Professional Tester should tackle
  • contribute to any subject of interest to testers

– all by emailing

Publication calendar 2017


Issue 40 1 February 2017 15 March 2017

Issue 41 1 May 2017 15 June 2017

Issue 42 1 August 2017 15 September 2017

Issue 43 1 November 2017 15 December 2017

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Professional Tester Inc
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