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XING AG ask what’s next?

17 March 2016 20:11

By Vanessa Howard

Eight years of agile

After the best part of a decade implementing agile processes, Sergej Mudruk and Daniel Knott of XING AG will give their view of its impact during their keynote address at next month’s Iqnite conference in Dusseldorf (April 26 – 28).

The first agile team was introduced in 2008 at XING AG and eight years later, almost all areas of the company are agile. Mudruck and Knott will set out how it has affected the development of quality assurance in the organization.

The speakers will give practical examples, including how the problem of scaling has been solved. Professional Tester are a media partner for the three day conference and we plan to cover this and other key discussion points.

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