Professional Tester – Magazine

Follow us:   Subscriptions A subscription to the electronic publication of Professional Tester Magazine is for free. Readers that wish to receive their magazines in print will be asked a subscription fee. FORMAT READER COSTS (*) SUBSCRIBE Electronic Industry professionals FREE Subscribe here Print Europe-based readers €50 (£45) Subscribe here Print Readers outside Europe €65...

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Professional Tester – Magazine

Follow us:   Editorial calendar and themes In 2017 Professional Tester will continue its mission to provide practical help and inspiration to software testers everywhere. That requires coverage of complex and challenging testing themes. In order to achieve that more effectively, we issue a uniquely flexible editorial calendar. This means that: although we continuously work...

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Professional Tester – Magazine

Click on the back issues of Professional Tester magazine below to check out some of the articles of the past. Watch this space for valuable information for the professional tester as the listing will be updated regularly! Click for articles from Issue 42 (September 2017) Click for articles from Issue 41 (June 2017) Click for...

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Professional Tester – Magazine for software testers

Follow us:   Professional Tester Magazine Professional Tester Magazine was created in 1999 by true pioneers of software testing. It is widely considered the best journal ever published for the industry, characterized by quality and rigour, direct opinion, and important articles which still influence how testing is done today. This serious content is complemented by...

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